The imaging system on board NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) recently had its first of many opportunities to photograph the Apollo landing sites. The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) imaged five of the six Apollo sites with the narrow angle cameras (NACs) between July 11 and 15, within days of the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission.

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Male domestic cats tend to preferentially use their left front paw, according to a new study that suggests the sex of a cat determines how its brain will be wired.
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AP - Russia's Mission Control says an unmanned Russian cargo ship has docked successfully at the international space station to deliver supplies for its six-member crew.
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Guy Laliberte poses for a picture as he attends a training session in a space capsule at the Star City space centre outside Moscow July 9, 2009. REUTERS/Sergei RemezovReuters - A Canadian billionaire who turned a passion for acrobatics and circus acts into a global entertainment empire will look for inspiration in space in September when he becomes the latest "space tourist."

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Investor's Business Daily - Falling solar prices are pinching most solar firms now, but could end up spurring more use of solar power in the near future.
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British energy giant Royal Dutch Shell said that its second-quarter net profit plunged 67 percent to 3.82 billion dollars (2.71 billion euros) on tumbling crude oil prices.(AFP/File/Karen Bleier)AFP - British energy giant Royal Dutch Shell said on Thursday that its second-quarter net profit plunged 67 percent to 3.82 billion dollars (2.71 billion euros) on tumbling crude oil prices.

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A group of chemists from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) has developed a method to quantify the fragrance allergens found in baby bathwater. The researchers have analysed real samples and detected up to 15 allergen compounds in cosmetics and personal hygiene products.

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The accidental discovery of a bowl-shaped molecule that pulls carbon dioxide out of the air suggests exciting new possibilities for dealing with global warming, including genetically engineering microbes to manufacture those CO2 "catchers," a scientist from Maryland reports in an article scheduled for the August 3 issue of ACS' Inorganic Chemistry, a bi-weekly journal.

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The design engineer's head is spinning. He has been analyzing data on his computer for hours, with no end in sight. Designing a hydroelectric power station, he would like to know what the pressures, temperatures and fluid flows will be in the facility. He may simulate them with simulation software. However, this only delivers vast columns of numbers or a one-dimensional representation which he will have to analyze bit by bit – a laborious task.

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Using a diverse herbicide application strategy may increase production costs, but a five-year Purdue University study shows the practice will drastically reduce weeds and seeds that are resistant to a popular herbicide.

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State and local health departments get mixed marks for efforts to convey information about the H1N1 virus to the public using their Web sites immediately after U.S. officials declared a public health emergency in April, according to a new RAND Corporation study.

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"Done right," biofuels can be produced in large quantities and have multiple benefits, but only if they come from feedstocks produced with low life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions, as well as minimal competition with food production. This consensus emerges in a new journal article by researchers from the University of Minnesota, Princeton, MIT and the University of California, Berkeley.

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Australia's top models will take centre stage in Cairns this week as scientists meet to discuss ways to understand climate change, improve air safety and enhance agricultural sustainability.

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Secret criminal networks of infected home PCs are a growing feature of the web – now they may be coming to your phone
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Buildings that learn occupants' habits could slash heating and lighting bills, and send out a warning if a door or window is left open
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Subtly tweaking the colour sets used to display images on next-generation flat-panel screens can dramatically cut the amount of energy they consume
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A subtle anomaly in the orbit of the planets in our solar system could prove a controversial idea that goes beyond Einstein
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Walter Munk worked out how to forecast surf conditions to aid amphibious invasions of the second world war – now he's a legend among surfers
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A single evolutionary event appears to explain the short, curved legs that characterize all of today's dachshunds, corgis, basset hounds and at least 16 other breeds of dogs, a team led by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), part of the National Institutes of Health, reported today. In addition to what it reveals about short-legged dogs, the unexpected discovery provides new clues about how physical differences may arise within species and suggests new approaches to understanding a form of human dwarfism.

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Clarithromycin is currently one of the antibiotics used for eradication of Helicobacter pylori. However, reports of H. pylori resistance to this antibiotic are increasing worldwide. Clarithromycin resistance has been attributed to the presence of mutations in the 23S rRNA gene, a component of the ribosome that is the protein manufacturing machinery of all living cells. There is little information on the prevalence and characteristics of clarithromycin resistance in H. pylori strains isolated from Malaysian patients.

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The remaining clouds and showers that were once tropical storm Dolores are fading at sea, more than 940 miles west of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Dolores has now weakened into a remnant low pressure area but continues to kick up 11 foot high waves at sea.

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The tight cluster of stars surrounding a supermassive black hole after it has been violently kicked out of a galaxy represents a new kind of astronomical object and a fossil record of the kick.

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The stubby, curved legs of dog breeds such as dachshunds, corgis and basset hounds stem from the mutation of a single gene early in the evolution of dogs, a study has found.
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In this image rendered from video and released by NASA, space shuttle Endeavour is shown after docking with the  international space station Friday, July 17, 2009. (AP Photo/NASA TV)AP - It's spacewalking day at the shuttle-station complex. At high noon Saturday, two astronauts will venture out to help attach a platform for science experiments. It's the third and final piece of Japan's huge billion-dollar lab. And it's the first of five spacewalks planned for the shuttle flight.

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FILE - In this Sept. 18, 2008, file photo, India's first unmanned mission to the Moon, Chandrayaan 1 spacecraft is seen as it is unveiled at the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Satellite Centre in Bangalore, India. India's maiden satellite orbiting the moon came close to total failure because of overheating but scientists made quickfixes to keep it going, and the mission is safe, officials said Friday. (AP Photo/File)AP - India's only satellite orbiting the moon came close to failure after overheating but scientists improvised to save it and have achieved more than 90 percent of the mission's objectives, an official said Friday.

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Rather than merely hang on for the ride, professional horse racers actively enhance their horses' gallop
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Why a "pay as you save" scheme could be the most feasible way to encourage people to cut their energy consumption.
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A female gibbon is seen enhancing her territorial song with a percussive door-slamming routine.
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National Geographic researchers are trying to collect DNA samples from the platypus to determine whether there are separate subspecies of the duck-billed mammals. The male platypus has a spur on its hind foot that can deliver painful venom so they have to be handled carefully.

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Histiophryne psychedelica is new species of fish that appears to bounce on the ocean floor like a rubber ball. Live Science says the carnivorous frogfish has eyes like ours as well as a fleshy chin and cheeks. More articles about the fish can be found at The Guardian, Science Daily, USA Today and Seattle Times.

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In this image taken from video and provided by NASA, a robotic arm lifts a platform out of the space shuttle Endeavor, Saturday, July 18, 2009. Two astronauts ventured out shortly after noon Saturday to help attach a platform for science experiments at the international space station. It's the third and final piece of Japan's huge billion-dollar lab. (AP Photo/NASA)AP - Two astronauts ventured out on the first spacewalk of Endeavour's space station visit Saturday to help install a porch on Japan's expansive lab.

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Tags (science, science problem, science news, physics news, physics, biology, biology news, mathematics, science question) - The world might be knee-deep in cow patties and other animal waste today were it not for dung beetles.
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Review by Rachel Zelkowitz

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In deprived areas, youngsters' misconduct declines when community members know one another well.

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